Package nl.coderight.jazz

Interface Summary
Painter Interface for painting delegates.
ProgressMonitor Interface to monitor the progress of some operation.
Template Template is used to create a common layout for an application.

Class Summary
Application Application is the root Controller of the Hierarchical Model-View-Controller (HMVC) layers.
Controller Controller is part of the HMVC pattern.
Event<T> Base class for events.
MenuBar Implementation of JMenuBar.
Model Model is part of the HMVC pattern.
Module Interface for modules.
SplashScreen Provides a splash screen during application startup.
StatusBar Implementation of a status bar.
SystemTrayIcon Provides a tray icon that is added to the system tray.
Task<V> Use Task for (long running) background processes.
TaskManager TaskManager is used ONLY by the framework!
Timer Provides an implementation of a timer.
ToolBar Implementation of a JToolBar.
View View is part of the HMVC pattern.
ViewManager ViewManager is used ONLY by the framework!

Enum Summary
Task.TaskState Enumeration of the possible Task states.
ToolBar.Position Enumeration of possible ToolBar positions.
View.Position Enumeration of possible View positions.
ViewManager.WindowMode Enumeration of the possible WindowMode implementations.
ViewManager.WindowStyle Enumeration of possible window styles.

Exception Summary
Controller.EventNotHandledException RuntimeException, thrown when an event is not handled.

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